
The decades to the left show the approximate year when the cards were printed. The photograph itself may be older, since photographs were often reused during a long time.

Z. Topelius contains cards of the famous author Zacharias Topelius who was born at the Kuddnäs manor in the outskirts of the town.

1808–09 contains cards with motives from the war of 1808–09 and general von Döbeln.

Övrigt contains miscellanous cards with connection to Nykarleby.

Click on e.g. 1910 and you come to the first preview of postcards from that decade.
Move the cursor over a card and you will see a preview of the backside.
Click on one of the cards in the preview and a new menue appears to the left:

Framsida Front of the card.
Baksida Back of the card.
Fakta Facts about what is shown on the postcards.
Karta Map that shows where the picture is taken.
Poesi Poetry written by authors from or about Nykarleby.
Prosa Prose written by authors from or about Nykarleby.
Detalj Detail of the card.
2002 The wiew photographed in 2002.
  All these texts are in Swedish.

Beneath the preview :
you come to the previous set.
you come to the next set.

If you click on:
please don't click on this one, unless you want to go to the main-part of the site, which is in Swedish.
 to the preview of the series which the current card belongs to.
 previous card.
 next card.

If the current card i s the first or the last card in the preview:
 to the previous preview.
 next preview.

Since the site is constructed with frames, I recommend you to click on the navigation-icons, instead of using the browser´s back-key if you want to go back. Otherwise the contents of the menues and the main-window ”miss-fit”.