Ett meddelande på ryska

Klara Ekblad kontaktade sin kollega Julia Yuhka i Sankt Petersburg som översatte meddelandet på ryska, med kommentaren: Vova is short name for Vladimir. Geographical names is not easy to read, but they are written in Latin characters:

Hello from Uusikarleeby. Now I have my breakfast at the hotel. This little town  reminds me Kekeeo... [?]. The trip was fine, I was only 30 km from Vasa, but did not visit them, just moved home. Tomorrow will be at Kokkola. Suppose, at home everything is fine, and you feel good. In December I will be in Ranstska .[?], i.e. I will be nearby Oulu, and sometimes will drop in. I plan to be with you for the New year, if everything goes fine.
My best regards to all of you, kissing,


H. Talsta.
Nummikatu 13.

Avsänt 28 november 1950 eller -51.