Två kort jag fick när jag körde från min bil i Hirvlax med stationen på Storsand. Arne Nylund tillhandahöll och berättade. KUST, which means coast, is the scout camp for Finlands Svenska Scouter, Swedish speaking scouts and guides in Finland. 31.7-7.8 [2000] we are together at the beautiful beach and in the nature of Storsand in Munsala (Ostrobotnia, Finland). Around 1500 cubs, scouts (7-15) years) and scout leaders, families with small children (0-7) and handicapped scouts spend their days at KUST having fun an d emjoying themselves. The activities include everything from sailing and swimming to climbing, baking bread and of course radio scouting. (Inf. 2004-08-18.) |