Welcome to Nykarlebyvyer!

This site deals with the history of my former hometown Nykarleby (Uusikaarlepyy in Finnish) in Ostrobothnia on the west coast of Finland. This part in English is just a tiny summary of the site in Swedish, which consists of about XXX files, YYY links and all told more than ZZZ MB.

Please let me know when you discover ”Swenglish translations” or misspellings!

Nykarleby A short description of the town and it's history
(under construction).
Postcards Postcards.
Map A map showing where the town is situated.
Town map A map of the town with links to postcards.
Town model Pictures of a model af the town manufactured in 1910–17.


Some older pictures of the town.
Souvenirs Some older souvenirs.
Literature Links to books about the town.
Poetry Some poems about the town illustrated with postcards, pdf.

The coat of arm of the town. Size 11x19 mm.The pin was manufactured in 1970 for the 350:th anniversary of the founding of the town.